When choosing the right epoxy flooring company, it pays to ask the right questions. This is a big decision, and you want to be sure you get the most out of your investment. Here are five questions to ask an epoxy flooring company to ensure you get the best service and results. 

1. What Procedures Do You Use?

The epoxy flooring company can provide a detailed explanation of its procedures and processes. It is important to understand the steps they take and the products they use so you can ensure you are getting the quality flooring you expect. Ask the company to explain its preparation process, the types of products they use, the installation methods they follow, and the safety measures they take to ensure the job is done correctly. 

Make sure you also inquire about the warranty that comes with the job and the required aftercare and maintenance level. Knowing these details will help you make an informed decision and ensure that you get the best flooring for your needs.

2. What Is Your Experience?

The epoxy flooring company you hire should have significant experience in the industry. It’s important to ask how many years of experience they have to gauge their level of expertise. You want a company with a proven track record of success and quality work. A company with a long history of experience will likely have the right tools and knowledge to complete the job promptly and efficiently.

3. Can You Provide an Estimate?

A written estimate is the basis for any project and should be an integral part of selecting an epoxy flooring company. A written estimate should provide a clear and concise breakdown of the costs associated with the project. It should include the cost of materials, labor, preparation, and any additional services. It should also include a timeline for the project so that both parties have a timeline for completion. This will help ensure the project is completed according to the agreed-upon specifications.

4. Do You Have Referrals You Could Provide?

Asking for referrals is an important part of selecting an epoxy flooring company. A referral from a satisfied customer is an invaluable resource when making a decision. It is a good idea to ask the epoxy flooring company for referrals from past clients who can provide feedback on the quality of their work and customer service. The company should provide you with several reliable references willing to discuss their experiences with the company.

5. Are You Licensed and Insured?

Yes, it is always important to ask an epoxy flooring company if they are licensed and insured before hiring them. This is because having a license and insurance indicates that the company is legitimate and will provide quality services. A licensed and insured epoxy flooring company also gives you peace of mind that if anything wrong happens during the installation process, the company will be responsible for it, and you will be covered.


When considering a professional epoxy flooring company, it is important to ask the right questions. The five questions above are essential for understanding the company’s experience, procedures, and reputation. Knowing the answers to these questions will help you feel confident that you are making the right decision when selecting a company for all your epoxy flooring needs.

Do you need epoxy flooring in the UK?  Quickset Resin Flooring got you covered. We have over 35+ years of combined experience installing all types of resin flooring, including epoxy, polyurethane, methyl methacrylate (MMA), and more. Get in touch with us today!

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