Resin flooring reigns supreme in the UK for its unmatched blend of toughness, design flexibility, and eye-catching beauty. But before you dive headfirst into this resinous wonderland, understanding the price tag is crucial. In this guide, we’ll peel back the layers of resin flooring cost, deciphering the key factors that determine its value in the UK landscape. Forget budget surprises – let’s navigate the path to your perfect resin floor, informed and empowered!

The resin cost spectrum: From material marvels to installation magic, several actors influence the final price. The type of resin, a star player, significantly impacts the bill. Epoxy, the versatile champion, starts at a budget-friendly £7 per square metre, while high-performance polyurethane, the durability diva, demands a pricier £50 per square metre. Project size takes centre stage next – larger footprints mean economies of scale, potentially lowering the per-square-metre cost. Complexity adds its own twist, with intricate designs or demanding subfloor prep pushing the price upwards.

So, while resin flooring might not be the cheapest option, its longevity, low maintenance, and stunning aesthetics often outweigh the initial investment. With this guide as your compass, you can navigate the cost terrain with confidence, ready to unlock the resin realm and embrace its unique charm for your next UK project.

1. Introduction: Understanding Resin Flooring

Resin flooring is a seamless and durable flooring solution made from a combination of epoxy, polyurethane, or methyl methacrylate (MMA) resins. It offers numerous benefits, including high resistance to chemicals, abrasion, and impact, making it an excellent choice for industrial, commercial, and residential applications. Resin flooring is available in various finishes, such as high-gloss, matte, or textured, allowing you to achieve the desired aesthetic appeal.

2. Factors Influencing Resin Flooring Cost

– Material Types

The choice of resin material significantly impacts the overall cost of the flooring project. Epoxy is a popular and cost-effective option, while polyurethane and MMA resins tend to be more expensive. The selection depends on factors like the intended use of the flooring, level of durability required, and design preferences.

– Floor Preparation

Proper floor preparation is crucial to ensure the longevity and performance of resin flooring. The condition of the existing floor and the required preparation work, such as grinding, cleaning, or repairing, can affect the overall cost. Any unevenness or damage on the substrate must be addressed before the resin is applied.

– Design Complexity

Resin flooring offers endless design possibilities, including custom patterns, colours, and even incorporating logos or branding elements. Intricate designs or decorative elements will increase the cost due to the additional time and labour required for precise execution.

– Floor Size

The size of the floor area is a significant determinant of the overall cost. Larger spaces require more materials, labour, and time for installation, which translates to higher costs. Conversely, smaller areas are generally more cost-effective.

– Installation Method

The chosen installation method affects both the cost and time required for the project. Depending on the specific requirements, resin flooring can be applied using either a self-levelling technique or hand-trowelling. Self-levelling systems tend to be faster but might be more expensive.

3. Average Cost Breakdown of Resin Flooring

The cost of resin flooring varies depending on the factors mentioned above, as well as regional pricing differences. As an estimate, the average cost for resin flooring in the UK ranges from £7 to £100 per square meter. This cost includes materials, labour, and additional services such as floor preparation and sealing.

For a more accurate cost estimate, it is recommended to consult with professional flooring contractors who can assess your specific project requirements and provide a detailed quotation.

Here’s a rough estimate of the cost of resin flooring per square metre in 2024:

  • Basic epoxy resin floor: £20 to £50
  • Standard epoxy resin floor: £50 to £85
  • High-performance epoxy resin floor: £85 to £150
  • Polyurethane resin floor: £50 to £100

To obtain an accurate quote, site visits are carried. Speak to our team who can advise.

4. Tips for Reducing Resin Flooring Costs

  • Compare Multiple Quotes: Obtain quotes from different resin flooring contractors to ensure you’re getting the best price for the desired quality.
  • Optimise Floor Size: Minimise unnecessary floor area or consider combining different flooring materials in specific sections to reduce costs.
  • Choose a Cost-Effective Material: Depending on your needs, explore different resin options and select the one that strikes the right balance between cost and performance.
  • Maintain Proper Floor Conditions: Regular cleaning and maintenance can extend the lifespan of resin flooring, reducing the need for costly repairs or replacements.

5. Maintenance and Longevity of Resin Flooring

Resin flooring is known for its durability and low maintenance requirements. With proper care, resin floors can last for many years without significant deterioration. Routine cleaning using non-abrasive solutions and avoiding heavy impact or sharp objects can help preserve the floor’s integrity. Additionally, applying a protective topcoat can enhance the lifespan of the flooring system.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, understanding the cost factors associated with resin flooring in the UK is essential for planning a successful project. By considering the material types, floor preparation, design complexity, floor size, and installation method, you can make informed decisions and manage the costs effectively. Resin flooring offers a durable and visually appealing solution that can enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your space for years to come.


What is the lifespan of resin flooring?

Resin flooring can last for many years, typically ranging from 10 to 20 years, depending on factors such as maintenance, usage, and the specific resin material used.

Can resin flooring be installed over an existing floor?

Yes, resin flooring can be installed over various existing floors, including concrete, tiles, and even wood, as long as the substrate is properly prepared.

Can resin flooring be used in wet areas?

Yes, resin flooring is highly suitable for wet areas, as it provides excellent water resistance and can be made slip-resistant with the addition of specific aggregates.

How long does it take to install resin flooring?

The installation time depends on various factors, such as the floor size, complexity of the design, and the chosen resin system. On average, the installation process can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.

Is resin flooring environmentally friendly?

Resin flooring can be an environmentally friendly choice, especially when using low-VOC (volatile organic compound) or water-based resin systems. These options minimise harmful emissions during and after installation.

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