Resin Flooring Cheaper Than Tile?

Tiles vs Resin flooring

Choosing the right flooring option is crucial for both residential and commercial properties. But have you ever wondered if resin flooring is a more budget-friendly option compared to traditional tiles? The quick answer is yes, resin flooring can indeed be cheaper than tile, but the ultimate cost depends on various factors. We’re diving into the […]

Eco-Friendly Flooring and Resin

Eco resin flooring for The flooring industry

Are you looking for a flooring solution that’s both stylish and environmentally friendly? Look no further than eco-resin! The flooring industry is experiencing a green revolution, with a growing demand for sustainable materials and practices. Eco resin has emerged as a frontrunner in this movement, offering a compelling alternative to traditional resin flooring. Let’s delve […]

Epoxy Flooring For Food Processing

commercial kitchen flooring

Ensuring Food Safety Starts at the Ground Up: In the intricate world of food processing, where even the smallest misstep can have significant consequences, maintaining a safe and sanitary environment is paramount. This journey towards food safety begins with the very foundation upon which everything rests – the floor. Traditional options like concrete and tile […]

The Allure of Outdoor Resin Flooring

garden outdoor resin flooring

Outdoor living spaces are becoming more popular than ever amongst British households. Homeowners want to extend their living areas to the outdoors and create beautiful, low-maintenance spaces. If you’re looking to upgrade your outdoor space, outdoor resin flooring deserves serious consideration. At Quickset Resin, we specialise in crafting seamless, resilient outdoor resin floors that withstand […]

Resin Flooring Cost UK: A Comprehensive Guide

Resin Flooring cost uk

Resin flooring reigns supreme in the UK for its unmatched blend of toughness, design flexibility, and eye-catching beauty. But before you dive headfirst into this resinous wonderland, understanding the price tag is crucial. In this guide, we’ll peel back the layers of resin flooring cost, deciphering the key factors that determine its value in the […]

Auto Shop and Workshop Epoxy Flooring Contractors

Auto Repair Shops

Imagine a frantic Saturday at your dealership. Customers are pouring in, test drives are happening left and right, and your technicians are hard at work in the back. Suddenly, a loud crack echoes from the workshop. A wrench slipped, and now there’s a concerning gouge in the workshop floor. Not only is this a safety […]

How to Choose the Best Epoxy Resin Floors


When it comes to selecting the best epoxy resin floor for your space, there are several important factors to consider. From durability and resistance to design and aesthetics, each element plays a crucial role in determining the perfect flooring solution. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled 17 helpful tips that will guide […]

5 Questions to Ask When Choosing an Epoxy Coating Contractor

Epoxy Coating

Industrial epoxy coating is used to protect surfaces from chemicals, abrasion, and corrosion, as well as provide a decorative finish. Epoxy coating is available in a variety of colors and finishes, and often provides an aesthetically pleasing look to industrial structures. These are applied by industrial epoxy coating contractors – specialized professionals who are trained […]

Ultimate Guide to Cleaning and Maintaining Epoxy Flooring


Epoxy flooring is an excellent option for many industrial and commercial spaces. It is highly durable, easy to maintain, and provides a strong and attractive finish. But, even with its durability, epoxy flooring needs to be properly cleaned and maintained to keep it looking good for years to come.  This article will discuss the ultimate […]

What Are the Top Advantages of Epoxy Floor Coating?


When it comes to industrial facilities, often painting the interior and exterior of the building is the focus of renovation work. Floors may be neglected unless extreme damage impedes operations, but they are a cornerstone of safety, sanitation, and efficiency. Therefore, they should be a top priority when it comes to renovations. Epoxy flooring can […]

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